
We envision a future where ecological stability, integrity and beauty, and societal health are foundational in our planning and actions.  We seek a world of restored biodiversity, as we practice regenerative agriculture and forestry, use renewable energy and draw down atmospheric carbon.

Shenandoah Valley Faith and Climate began as a group conversation about how we can respond to our present climate crisis as people of faith. Our concern is grounded in a theological understanding of the earth as God’s good creation, which we celebrate and care for.

Our mission is mobilization of congregations and people of faith, through education and example, to implement local regenerative practices and advocate for public policies that restore our ecosystems, add resilience to local and global systems, and bring equity to local, regional, and ultimately planet wide governance. We recognize that:

Climate change is not the problem.
Climate change is the fever, the symptom.
Fossil fuels are the problem.

We are looking to join with others who share a similar vision in the Shenandoah Valley.  We recognize that our faith groups come from many different perspectives, but we believe there is common ground in our shared desire to pass along a healthy earth to our children.

We’re the central Shenandoah Valley hub of the Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions.
